Horse Girl: A Review

Jeff Baena's Horse Girl is a dizzying narrative of instability and ambiguity.

Alison Brie stars as the socially awkward, Sarah. Her every day usually consists of going to work, visiting her ex-horse, doing zumba and watching her favorite show 'Purgatory'. Her only friend is her roommate and her co-worker, anyone beyond the two come and go. She has no love life and no other hobbies, her life is just simple and routinary.

However, weird things happen to Sarah at night. Her active imagination cause her to dream of people she don't know. She often sleepwalks and seems to have random memory loss. She slowly grows concern over her situation and because there is no one out there able to answer her questions about her situation -- it must've been the paranormal. At this point of the story, Sarah is slowly losing her reality. 

The film then delve into Sarah's instability furthermore; revealing more darker stuffs about her life. In the end, everything she does makes sense. Her social awkwardness is a product of her incapability to reconcile with her past.

After the revelation was over, this should be the part of the film wherein we'll be redeeming Sarah. But director Jeff Baena don't think so. He instead indulges her into her instability. In a dizzying sequence, Baena combined the real world with Sarah's reality. A plot avenue that might be interesting to see but is, actually, a little brutal and unfair.
