Enola Holmes: A Review

Something is afoot in Harry Bradbeer's latest movie about a 'Holmes' we never heard before.

How to begin? Enola Holmes is the little-known sister of the great Sherlock Holmes. 

Eudoria Holmes, their mother, is a fan of wordplay and ciphers. So it's only fitting to name her only daughter 'Enola' as it spells 'Alone' backward. "You'll do very well on your own, Enola." she continually tells her, yet she never left her alone. 

Enola is Eudoria's world, as much as she's to her. She taught her everything she needs to know, from reading and science to martial arts. 

But on Enola's 16th birthday, she disappeared. 

Enola knew that something is afoot, and there is no one more fitting for the job than her brothers, Sherlock and Mycroft. While this is true, they're still her brothers, and they want what they think is best for her while they find their mother. That means sending her to school to be a proper lady. 

Enola disagrees. She's happy with what she has and knows. What she wants is her mother's return. And she wants to find her even if she has to do it alone. Besides, if there is one thing that her mother taught her, it's not to let anybody choose her path for her.

"Enola Holmes" is directed by "Fleabag" director, Harry Bradbeer. The movie is base on a book by Nancy Springer, and it stars Millie Bobby Brown as Enola Holmes, Henry Cavill as Sherlock Holmes, Sam Claflin as Mycroft Holmes, and Helena Bonham Carter as Eudoria Holmes.

"Enola Holmes" on the surface is a fun-filled adventure that teaches the viewers that alone does not means lonely. Because alone means growth and creating your future. Enola's mind deepens because of her journey to find her mother, where she learned to trust people and to protect those who are weak and in need.

But uprooted within "Enola Holmes" story is a message to women and youths about their power to make a difference. Enola might be a little girl in the eyes of the people, but her courage and conviction inspire people to change. In a society full of perversion and oppression, one tiny change can make a huge difference. Like in the world of Enola, wherein her actions lead to the passing of the Reform Bill, granting women the right to vote.

"Enola Holmes" is also a tribute to feminism characterized by Eudoria Holmes. An activist and a mother, though her plans and actions are questionable, she's a character that's easy to admire for her desire for freedom and a better world for Enola.

Millie Bobby Brown proves to be a compelling lead actress as Enola. She has this vigor and enthusiasm that infects so quickly, making looking away impossible. Henry Cavill and Sam Claflin are quite average as Sherlock and Mycroft, but that's okay since they merely matter in this story.

"Enola Holmes" works because its a movie that reiterates the importance of women and youths in shaping society. It's a narrative that speaks volumes about the importance of virtues and principles. It talks about fighting oppression for equality and freedom. A timely message to impart to the viewers for the upcoming election.

"Enola Holmes" is currently available on Netflix. Go and watch it now!
